Thursday, July 22, 2010


We all probably think of devils as a giant unidentified red creature with horns and a pointed tail. And it might be. But if we're all apart of God, and nobody's perfect. Doesn't it mean that we are God and the Devil. We're all evil and good. Even mass murderers must have a little bit of good in them. Some of them turn themselves in! Isn't that a form of honesty? Even if it's to late. If you look around you there's tons of different people of different shapes and sizes. There's the pretty cheerleader. And than there's the overweight one. You look at the cheerleader like she must be super nice. And you look at the one who is overweight as if there ready to kill. But if you dig down deep. You can see that flare of evil in the cheerleaders eye and the flick of good in the overweight one. Both have a little of each. Therefore we are everyone and everything.

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